Clacton Airshow 2025 information page!
What are the dates for the 2025 event?
The dates are Thursday 21 & Friday 22 August. In addition to the day flying, Twilight flights will take place Thursday evening only.
The official show site opening time each day is 11am and closes 10pm Thursday and 5pm Friday.
Displays are due to start around 14:00 & 19.30 (Twilight flights) on Thursday and 13:00 Friday although this could change due to operational requirements.
Where is the event site located?
The main ground event site site is located on Marine Parade West (///: choppy.smiled.gazes) However, there is adequate viewing available along the seafront from the East side of Clacton Pier (///:forgiven.verdict.succumbs – towards Holland-on-Sea) to Clacton Martello Beach (///: starlight.repeated.protests) including our upper and lower promenades and West Greensward.
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Where can I get the full flight line up?
Although flights will be announced, the official show programmes are available to buy for £5 from the Visitor Information Centre, Clacton, Clacton Train Station, Clacton Beach Patrol Office or from one of the mobile Ground Crew located in and around the main event site for the duration of the event. 2025 Release date TBC.
By purchasing a programme you will help us to raise vital funds to keep this spectacular free event in our skies for years to come. All money collected from donations help to reduce the cost of running the Clacton Airshow. Bucket collection contributions keep the cost of running the event as low as possible and supports the future continuation of the event. The Clacton Airshow costs over £100,000 for the Council to stage each year, so without the kind donations from visitors it would be unlikely that the Council could continue to operate the event. Although other air shows on the East Coast have been cancelled over recent years, we have been able to continue and expand our event – which is in no small part down to donations from bucket collections and programme sales each year.

Park & Ride
Service provided by Hedingham & Chambers.
Located at Clacton Shopping Village, Stephenson Road West, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, CO15 4TL.
Please check with provider for opening & closing times.
Orange Main car park in West Road is provided by the Rotary Club of Clacton-on-Sea.
Located on West Road (Opposite Clacton Golf Club) What3Words: kickers/digit/celebrate. Nearest SatNav postcode is CO15 1AG.
For advanced parking reservations – 2025 details TBC.
For further information visit: or
**Please check with provider for opening & closing times**.
Consider alternative travel modes such as public transport or car sharing to the event site.
Where are the local car parks?
A list of local Council run car parks can be viewed by clicking the following link local car parks. Please check for opening & closing times and for electric vehicle charge points.
Kindly note: The car parks adjacent to the main event site – Hasting’s seafront & grass car parks and main Martello car park are unavailable for public parking for the duration of the event. Tendring District Council apologise for any inconvenience caused. Alternate parking is provided via the park & ride service or at the West Road car park.
Consider alternative travel modes such as public transport or car sharing to the event site.
Motorcycle parking information
Is there disabled parking?
Yes at West Road Car Park who also runs an accessible shuttle service to and from site. The Hedinghams park & ride service from Clacton Shopping Village is accessible. Alternatively, there is parking within the local Council run car parks. Please check for opening & closing times and for electric vehicle charge points.
Kindly note: The car parks adjacent to the main event site – Hasting’s seafront & grass car parks and main Martello car park are unavailable for public parking for the duration of the event. Tendring District Council apologise for any inconvenience caused. Alternate parking is provided via the park & ride service or at the West Road car park.
Consider alternative travel modes such as public transport or car sharing to the event site.
Where can I find a coach drop off point?
The main coach drop off point is Martello Coach Park. More information can be obtained from TDC’s Parking Services.
Are there any road closures I need to be aware of?
Yes located at Marine Parade West (from 5am Wednesday) and Pier Gap (from 5am Thursday) for the duration of the event until show close Friday.
If you are a local resident of Marine Parade West, Collingwood Road, St Vincent Road, Nelson Road and Trafalgar Road, please contact the Visitor Information Centre, Clacton 01255 686633.
Can I cycle?
Yes, however you will need to dismount at either Clacton Pier or at Clacton Lifeboat Station (dependant on where you arrive) Click here for more information about cycling on our proms!
Can I make a donation?
Yes, Thank you for your support! Your generosity by way of public donations and bucket collections enables us to help pay towards the event for all to enjoy. Donations can be made at

Where can I get up to date information now and on the day?
Via our Twitter page @ClactonAirshow
Via our Facebook page @TheSunshineCoastOffcial
Tune in live
Download the Love Tendring app – where you can find information on nearby car parks, toilets and other facilities. It also tells you how busy beaches are based on hourly data from TDC’s Beach Patrol (seasonal).
LoveTendring for Android
LoveTendring for Apple
Does it get busy?
Yes, extremely! The site is very open and it can get hot, we advise you to check the weather, bring plenty of water, put on sunscreen, wear comfortable clothing and footwear and bring wet weather protection in case it rains.
Are the displays suitable for young children?
This is a family event. The louder, faster jets can be very noisy! If you have ear defenders it’s advisable to bring them.
Are there any fireworks?
Yes, they will follow after the twilight flights at Clacton Pier.
Getting Here…
By Car
From London and the M25, take the A12 signed Chelmsford and Colchester, pass the exits to Colchester West and Colchester Central, and then join the A120 signposted Harwich and Clacton. From the Midlands and North, follow the A14 (signposted Felixstowe/Harwich) until you are south of Ipswich. Join the A12 signposted London, then take the A120 signposted Harwich. From the A120 join the A133 for Clacton, Frinton, Walton, St Osyth, Brightlingsea etc.
By Ferry
Harwich International Port is one of the UK’s leading freight and passenger ports with
excellent links to the Midlands, London and the South East. The passenger ferry terminal is run by Stena Line.
Harwich International Port
By Air
London Stansted airport is within easy reach by road (approximately 60 miles.)
By Rail
Regular trains run to the Essex Sunshine Coast with daily direct services from both Clacton and Harwich International to London Liverpool Street. Average journey time from London is 1 hour 45 minutes. Find out about offers available on the Essex Sunshine Coast line at Greater Anglia.
By Bus
For local Bus Service contact Essex Traveline
By Coach
National Express operates regular coach services to Clacton-on-Sea, Frinton-on-Sea, Harwich and Walton-on-the-Naze.
There are daily services with connections to London, the Midlands and the North West. For timetable information contact National Express on:
Other info..
Where can I find details of local Accommodation?
By calling Clacton Tourist Information Centre on: 01255 686633 or visit to Essex Sunshine Coast for further details. There is lots to see, do, explore and discover on visit. We hope you enjoy your stay!
Watching the flights from your boat?
A Maritime Safety Zone is in place and a Local Navigation Warning will be issued. Further information can be obtained from our Seafronts Team.
The Local Navigation Warning can be viewed by clicking the link Local Navigation Warning.PDF
Drones at the event?
Unauthorised drones are not permitted at the event. It is the policy of this event not to permit any unmanned aircraft or drones of any sort to fly over, be launched or land at this event and any other land under the control of this event operator. Unmanned Aircraft System(UAS) devices are on the official prohibited item list for this event. Please be aware that unauthorised drone operators will be prosecuted and is against the law for any of these craft to be flown within the Restricted Airspace to protect participating aircraft and display teams. Flying displays will be cancelled if unauthorised drones are flown during this time.
Finally, please remember, drones can’t fly within a Restricted Airspace (Temporary) zone or RAT, without the permission of the Flying Display Director. A RAT will be set up for the air show. You can also find the information on the Drone Assist app.
Lost persons:
If you are lost or need to ask for assistance, look out for one of our ground crew or TDCs Beach Patrol team who will be able to assist you. Lost persons points can be found at any of the TDC Beach Patrol offices. A free wrist band scheme operates along the seafront with each section of the beach colour coded. Children are given a corresponding wrist band which makes the task of re-uniting lost children with their family a lot easier. Wrist bands can be obtained from the TDC Beach Patrol Office and stewards.
The Herbert Protocol is a national scheme that encourages carers, family and friends to provide useful information, which can then be used in the event of a vulnerable person going missing. Find out more:
Beach Patrol & First Aid Points:
TDC Beach Patrol office located to the West of the Pier. (///: pays.conquests.postcard).
TDC Beach Patrol office located at Palace Beach. (///: ordeals.hunk.grit).
TDC Beach Patrol located at Martello Beach. (///: starlight.repeated.protests).
First Aid:
First Aid located at Seafront Car Park, Hastings Avenue (///icicles.youths.focus).
First Aid located at Pier Gap (///invoices.revisit.winded).
First Aid located at Main event site (opposite Event Information, central site) (///booster.tutorial.shadowed).
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Will the beaches still be open?
Yes! For information on our local beaches and beach safety visit For local bye-law information visit
The beach is a fantastic place to go, but it can be dangerous. If you’re heading to the seaside, take a look at for beach safety advice to help you and your family stay safe whilst visiting.
Can I bring my dog/guide dogs to the event?
Yes, but they must be on a lead and are not allowed on the beach except guide dogs. Please check the Tendring District Council website for more information regarding dog friendly beaches. Please be aware that it could be too scary, noisy and busy for our furry friends and they may prefer to stay at home.
Can I bring my own food and drink?
Yes, but please use the bins provided for rubbish! Please help us to be more environmentally friendly by cutting out single use plastics, use alternatives such as cans and wooden cutlery and please recycle where you can.
Various food and drink concessions will be available on site on site as well as an array of vendors in the local area selling an assortment of food and refreshments at reasonable prices. Local shops are located in and around the main Town Centre.
Are there are cash points located on site?
No however, the nearest cash machines are located at:
Clacton Pier
Main Town Centre
Which are all a short walk!

Please be aware that there is no Wi-Fi available on site and internet usage and phone signal is limited due to the high demand of usage.
Injunction – Full details of the injunction and a schedule of the areas covered are available on the Tendring District Council website at Copies will be made available in Clacton Visitor Information Centre.
Please be advised that the main event site is located along the the top promenade (West Greensward, which is a grassland area) on Marine Parade West.
Click the links shown below to find out more information on:
Seafronts & promenades
Parking – please see above section on parking & Park and Ride services
Changing Places
Marks Mobility Centre – Wheelchair, Powerchair and Mobility Scooter Hire
Local Accommodation – please see above section on where to stay
Wheelchair Loan Charity
CCTV, filming and photography
CCTV, film cameras and photographers may be present at the event, this includes filming by the police or security team carried out for the security of visitors, and filming and/or photography authorised by Event Organisers (Tendring District Council). By attending the Venue you give your express consent to all such filming and photography and to your actual or simulated likeness being included within any film, photograph, audio and/or audio visual recording (“Footage”), all rights in which will be owned by Tendring District Council (or by any party authorised by Tendring District Council from time to time). You also agree that any such Footage may be used by Tendring District Council (and by any third party authorised by Tendring District Council from time to time) in any and all media for any purpose at any time throughout the world, including (with the exception of CCTV or security Footage) for commercial purposes, such as merchandising and promotion, without payment or compensation to you. If you wish to withdraw such consent please contact the Tendring District Council Data Protection Officer Tendring District Council’s Data Protection Policy can be viewed at

STEM engage with young people to explore careers in STEM, aviation and aerospace to support and encourage their future career choices.
Aviation and aerospace needs to be ready for the future and STEM are committed to supporting the ambitions and interests of everyone to create opportunities which are inclusive and engaging for all.
BADA Environmental Sustainability Charter
Air displays represent a significant proportion of the UK event industry, with events across the country attracting more than 5 million visitors annually and contributing upwards of £120 million to the UK economy each year. Whilst flying displays are primarily performed for entertainment, there are numerous other key benefits such as the enrichment of our national heritage through the continued preservation of historic aircraft, and the inspiration of the next generation of pilots, engineers and aerospace professionals.
When looking at the environmental impact of air displays, solely focusing on carbon emissions, the impact of our industry is minimal. In 2011, the whole of the UK aviation sector accounted for only 6% of total greenhouse gas emissions in the UK, the majority of this amount generated by commercial aviation. Nevertheless, it is of paramount importance that the UK air display industry strives for excellence and environmental sustainability, in order to remain socially acceptable and play our part in creating a greener future.
The full charter can be viewed by clicking the following link: BADA Environmental Sustainability Charter
RAF mission to reduce carbon emission information can be viewed by clicking the following link: A Net Zero RAF by 2040
Tendring District Council climate change action plan can be viewed by clicking the following link: TDC climate change action plan